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About CMS Exam
The Services/Posts to which recruitment is conducted under this exam is given below:
The aspirants, who have completed or have appeared to the final round of their MBBS exam, can apply for the exam.
CMS Exam Eligibility
A candidate must be either:
(a) a Citizen of India, orAge Limit:
The upper age limit is relaxable as follows.
(i) Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe.Educational Qualification:
For admission to the examination a candidate should have passed the written and practical parts of the final M.B.B.S. Examination.
CMS Exam Pattern
WRITTEN EXAMINATION – (500 marks): The candidates will take the written examination in two Papers, each Paper carrying a maximum of 250 marks. Each Paper will be of two hours duration.
Paper |
Paper Code |
Subject |
Maximum Marks |
Question Distribution |
Paper I |
Code No. 1 |
General Medicine and Paediatrics |
250 Marks |
96 from General Medicine and 24 from Paediatrics |
Paper II |
Code No. 2 |
(a) Surgery (b) Gynaecology & Obstetrics (c) Preventive & Social Medicine |
250 Marks |
40 questions from each part |
CMS Exam Syllabus
Paper I
(a) General Medicine including the following:
(i) Cardiology
(ii) Respiratory diseases
(iii) Gastro-intestinal
(iv) Genito-Urinary
(v) Neurology
(vi) Hematology
(vii) Endocrinology
(viii) Metabolic disorders
(ix) Infections/Communicable Diseases
(x) Nutrition/Growth
(xi) Diseases of the skin (Dermatology)
(xii) Musculoskelatal System
(xiii) Psychiatry
(xiv) General
(xv) Emergency Medicine
(xvi) Common Poisoning
(xvii) Snake bite
(xviii) Tropical Medicine
(xix) Critical Care Medicine
(xx) Emphasis on medical procedures
(xxi) Patho physiological basis of diseases
(xxii) Vaccines preventable diseases and Non vaccines preventable diseases
(xxiii) Vitamin deficiency diseases
(xxiv) In psychiatry include – Depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar diseases and Schizoprenia.
(b) Paediatrics including the following –
(i) Common childhood emergencies
(ii) Basic new born care
(iii) Normal developmental milestones
(iv) Accidents and poisonings in children
(v) Birth defects and counseling including autism
(vi) Immunization in children
(vii) Recognizing children with special needs and management
(viii) National programmes related to child health.
Paper - II
(a) SURGERY (Surgery including ENT, Ophthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopaedics)
(i) General Surgery
(ii) Urological Surgery
(iii) Neurosurgery
(iv) Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T.
(v) Thoracic surgery
(vi) Orthopedic surgery
(vii) Ophthalmology
(viii) Anesthesiology
(ix) Traumatology
(x) Diagnosis and management of common surgical ailments
(xi) Pre-operative and post operative care of surgical patients
(xii) Medicolegal and ethical issues of surgery
(xiii) Wound healing
(xiv) Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery
(xv) Shock patho-physiology and management.
(i) Ante-natal conditions
(ii) Intra-natal conditions
(iii) Post-natal conditions
(iv) Management of normal labours or complicated labour
(i) Questions on applied anatomy
(ii) Questions on applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization
(iii) Questions on infections in genital tract
(iv) Questions on neoplasma in the genital tract
(v) Questions on displacement of the uterus
(vi) Normal delivery and safe delivery practices
(vii) High risk pregnancy and management
(viii) Abortions
(ix) Intra Uterine growth retardation
(x) Medicolegal examination in obgy and Gynae including Rape.
(i) Conventional contraceptives
(ii) U.D. and oral pills
(iii) Operative procedure, sterilization and organization of programmes in the urban and rural surroundings
(iv) Medical Termination of Pregnancy
(i) Social and Community Medicine
(ii) Concept of Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine
(iii) Health Administration and Planning
(iv) General Epidemiology
(v) Demography and Health Statistics
(vi) Communicable Diseases VII Environmental Health
(vii) Nutrition and Health
(viii)Maternal and Child Health Non-communicable diseases
(ix) Occupational Health
(x) Genetics and Health
(xi)International Health
(xii) Medical Sociology and Health Education
(xiv)National Programmes
(xv) Management of common health problems
(xvi) Ability to monitor national health programmes
(xvii) Knowledge of maternal and child wellness
(xviii) Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies.
CMS Salary
The UPSC CMS starting salary is INR 56100. However, the salary will differ for different posts of the UPSC Combined Medical Services. Once the selection process is completed, the employees will be on probation for next two years.
Apart from the salary, the candidates will be eligible to receive the perks and benefits. The employees will receive granted pensions, gratuity from time to time. Based on the experience, the aspirants will be promoted to the higher grades.
CMS Exam Result
Ans: The basic educational qualification for UPSC CMS is an MBBS degree.
Ans: The upper age limit for applying for Junior High Scale Post in Central Health Services is 35 years.
Ans: An SC category candidate can apply an unlimited number of times until the age of 37 years.
Ans: The candidate can appear once every year for UPSC CMS examination and until his age is not above 32 years as on 1st August of the current academic year. The age relaxation criteria for other categories (SC/ST/ex-servicemen) are 5 years i.e. 37 years, whereas for person with physical disability is 10 years.
Ans: The open category candidate will have to pay UPSC CMS exam fees as INR 200. The Candidates from Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Categories and persons with disability (PWD) are exempted from the exam fees. Female candidates are also exempted from exam fees.
Ans: The open category candidate will have to pay UPSC CMS exam fees as INR 200. The Candidates from Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Categories and persons with disability (PWD) are exempted from the exam fees. Female candidates are also exempted from exam fees.
Ans: The starting salary of UPSC CMS Medical officer is around INR 56100 and can range up to INR 1,77,500/- per month based on different posts and departments.
The General duty Medical Officer (GDMO) Grade-II in East, North and South Delhi Municipal Corporations will have remuneration from INR 15,600 – 39100 plus grade pay of INR 5400 per month.
Ans: The responsibilities of UPSC CMS qualified medical officer are as listed below
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